DEADLINE EXTENDED – Open Call – Journal for Literary and Intermedial Crossings – Issue 11.1 (Spring 2026)

The Journal for Literary and Intermedial Crossings (ISSN 2506-8709) offers an online publication platform to researchers who wish to explore various aesthetic ‘crossings’ concerning media, genres and/or spaces. Targeted squarely at investigating the ‘in-between,’ the journal seeks contributions from scholars broadly covering medial, literary, generic, spatial and cultural crossings that bridge a plurality of potential discourses, modalities, and methodologies. We particularly welcome articles focusing on e.g. intra-, inter- and transmedial phenomena, hypermedia, genre hybridization and mixing, (inter-/cross-)cultural exchange, networks, interactions, contact zones, entanglements, cross-border movements, multilingualism, transnationality, topographies, etc. JLIC publishes two issues a year and has a running open call.

We welcome contributions between 5,000 and 6,000 words (references and footnotes included) in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian or Spanish. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed. JLIC supports textual as well as multi-media formatting. All work submitted to JLIC should reference and be formatted according to our Author Guidelines. Articles should be submitted in Word format and figures, video and audio files etc. should be saved separately from the text.

The deadline for full articles is 15 June 2025.

Please send an abstract of maximum 350 words (in English and, if applicable, also in the language of your article, i.e. Dutch, French, German, Italian or Spanish), a list of 3-5 keywords (in the same (two) language(s)) and a 100-word author bio (in English only) to by 21 april 2025. The editorial board will notify all contributors who applied by 20 February 2025.

More information can be found here.