EXTENDED DEADLINE: TRACE/CLIV second annual Research Day: Exploring New Horizons

Dear TRACE/CLIV members,

Following the eminent success of our first event in 2024, we are delighted to be able to inform you of the upcoming second annual TRACE/CLIV Research Day: ‘Exploring New Horizons,’ to take place on Friday 23rd May 2025. As was the case last year, this Research Day serves primarily to enable better communication about research between the ZAP, postdocs, and PhDs on a relatively informal and amicable basis: concomitantly, it also serves to develop the friendly connections between the TRACE and CLIV research groups.

We invite speakers of all levels — whether PhD, postdoc, or ZAP — to share their new ideas or research interests in the form of a 10-minute presentation, with another 10 minutes for questions and discussion. This is the perfect, friendly environment in which to share your plans, concepts, hopes, and even the difficulties that you might be facing in their realisation. All kinds of works-in-progress are welcome, on topics such as translation, literature, cultural transfer, from a national, international or transnational perspective.


The Research Day will take place in Ghent (location Mercator A., A.104.) on Friday 23rd May 2025 from 13.00 (tentatively) to 18.00, with a coffee break. The afternoon will end with a reception.

Please confirm your attendance and/or talk proposal by 15 April 2025 using the attached Microsoft Forms link, with which you can submit your name, affiliation, and, if presenting, the title of your paper — no abstract required! Talk slots are rather limited, so please do not hesitate to respond swiftly. However, there are plenty of places for attendees, so come in great numbers and with great enthusiasm!


Looking forward to your attendance in May,

Jo De Brie, Dominic Bentley-Hussey, Anna Namestnikov, France Schils, Oliwia Napierala, Prof. Lieve Jooken, Prof. Piet Van Poucke, & Prof. Brecht de Groote.

PANEL PROPOSAL (panel 18): call for papers – Towards sustainable wayfaring: investigating the (un)translatability of eco-translation

The 8th IATIS Conference, Sustainable Translation in the Age of Knowledge Extraction, Generation, and (Re)Creation, invites scholars to explore the (un)translatability of eco-translation. Panel 18, Towards Sustainable Wayfaring, calls for papers that examine eco-translation as a comprehensive concept threatened by monoglossic and instrumentalist approaches.

Key topics include the philosophical foundations of eco-translation, its interpretations across languages, and its intersections with ecosemiotics, contra-instrumentalism, and biosemiotics. Comparative studies on anthropocentric vs. eco-centric translations, translator training, and pricing models are also welcome.

The full call can be found here in English, here in French.

Submit abstracts by April 10, 2025, via EasyChair.

8the IATIS conference – Sustainable Translation in the Age of Knowledge Extraction, Generation, and (Re)Creation

IATIS is pleased to announce its call for panel, paper, roundtable, workshop, and artistic initiative proposals for its eighth conference to be held at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 10– 13 Dec 2025.

The theme of the conference is Sustainable Translation in the Age of Knowledge Extraction, Generation, and (Re)Creation.

The full call for papers can be found here.


CfP International conference “Writing Meritocracy: Figurations of a Concept Across Literary History and Contexts of Literary Production”

Vrije Universiteit Brussels, 18-20 September 2025

This conference explores the role of literature in constructing, circulating, and critiquing meritocratic thought across historical periods and cultural contexts. We invite papers examining literary representations of meritocracy, its impact on literary production and reception, and the ways literature challenges or sustains meritocratic paradigms. Contributions focusing on non-Western, premodern, and transcultural perspectives are especially welcome.

Submission deadline: 15 March 2025
Apply here: https://events.vub.be/merlit-conference-abstract-submission-form

Full call can be found here.

Call for Abstracts: NITS conference (June 6, Tilburg University)

Date: Friday, 6th June 2025
Location: Tilburg University, Tilburg, Netherlands
Website: https://nitsnetwork.github.io

The Network of Interdisciplinary Translation Studies (NITS) in the Netherlands and Flanders is pleased to
announce its fourth annual meeting, hosted by the Inclusive and Sustainable Machine Translation (ISMT)
research group of the Department of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence at Tilburg University.

We invite submissions for presentations on topics including, but not limited to:
● Interdisciplinary approaches in Translation Studies
● Innovations in Interpreting Studies
● Advancements in Machine Translation
● Developments in Translation Technology
● Pedagogical innovations in translation and interpreting education
● Collaborative projects between Translation Studies and other disciplines

Submission Guidelines:
● Abstracts: Please submit an abstract of up to 300 words outlining your proposed presentation.
● Format: Abstracts should be submitted as text.
● Submission Portal: The submission form can be found here.

Abstract Submission Deadline: 02 May 2025

The full call can be found here.

DEADLINE EXTENDED – Open Call – Journal for Literary and Intermedial Crossings – Issue 11.1 (Spring 2026)

The Journal for Literary and Intermedial Crossings (ISSN 2506-8709) offers an online publication platform to researchers who wish to explore various aesthetic ‘crossings’ concerning media, genres and/or spaces. Targeted squarely at investigating the ‘in-between,’ the journal seeks contributions from scholars broadly covering medial, literary, generic, spatial and cultural crossings that bridge a plurality of potential discourses, modalities, and methodologies. We particularly welcome articles focusing on e.g. intra-, inter- and transmedial phenomena, hypermedia, genre hybridization and mixing, (inter-/cross-)cultural exchange, networks, interactions, contact zones, entanglements, cross-border movements, multilingualism, transnationality, topographies, etc. JLIC publishes two issues a year and has a running open call.

We welcome contributions between 5,000 and 6,000 words (references and footnotes included) in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian or Spanish. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed. JLIC supports textual as well as multi-media formatting. All work submitted to JLIC should reference and be formatted according to our Author Guidelines. Articles should be submitted in Word format and figures, video and audio files etc. should be saved separately from the text.

The deadline for full articles is 15 June 2025.

Please send an abstract of maximum 350 words (in English and, if applicable, also in the language of your article, i.e. Dutch, French, German, Italian or Spanish), a list of 3-5 keywords (in the same (two) language(s)) and a 100-word author bio (in English only) to jlic@vub.be by 21 april 2025. The editorial board will notify all contributors who applied by 20 February 2025.

More information can be found here.

TRACE/CLIV second annual Research Day: Exploring New Horizons

Dear TRACE/CLIV members,

Following the eminent success of our first event in 2024, we are delighted to be able to inform you of the upcoming second annual TRACE/CLIV Research Day: ‘Exploring New Horizons,’ to take place on Friday 23rd May 2025. As was the case last year, this Research Day serves primarily to enable better communication about research between the ZAP, postdocs, and PhDs on a relatively informal and amicable basis: concomitantly, it also serves to develop the friendly connections between the TRACE and CLIV research groups.

We invite speakers of all levels — whether PhD, postdoc, or ZAP — to share their new ideas or research interests in the form of a 10-minute presentation, with another 10 minutes for questions and discussion. This is the perfect, friendly environment in which to share your plans, concepts, hopes, and even the difficulties that you might be facing in their realisation. All kinds of works-in-progress are welcome, on topics such as translation, literature, cultural transfer, from a national, international or transnational perspective.


The Research Day will take place in Ghent (location Mercator A., A.104.) on Friday 23rd May 2025 from 13.00 (tentatively) to 18.00, with a coffee break. The afternoon will end with a reception.

Please confirm your attendance and/or talk proposal by 15 March 2024 using the attached Microsoft Forms link, with which you can submit your name, affiliation, and, if presenting, the title of your paper — no abstract required! Talk slots are rather limited, so please do not hesitate to respond swiftly. However, there are plenty of places for attendees, so come in great numbers and with great enthusiasm!


Looking forward to your attendance in May,

Jo De Brie, Dominic Bentley-Hussey, Anna Namestnikov, France Schils, Oliwia Napierala, Prof. Lieve Jooken, Prof. Piet Van Poucke, & Prof. Brecht de Groote.

International conference: Putting Translators on the Map/Mettre les traducteur.rice.s sur la carte

International conference
Putting Translators on the Map/Mettre les traducteur.rice.s sur la carte

4 – 5 November 2025 | Ghent University and KU Leuven

Literary (Self-)Representation in Translations from and into French

This conference, organised by research groups TRACE-CLIV (Ghent), French literature (Leuven) and CIRTI (Liège), aims to foster exchange between researchers who study (in)visibility and auto/hetero-representations of translators in translations and their paratexts. We invite contributions that focus particularly on translations from and into French, from the early modern period to the present day. Through this approach, we aim to revisit some longstanding assumptions regarding the shifting value of French language in transcultural processes of visibility and authority construction, both in France and in the francophone world.

Keynote Speakers: Marie-Alice Belle (Université de Montréal), Patrick Hersant (Université Paris 8)

You will find the call for papers here. We invite contributors to submit an abstract of 300 words (in French or in English) by the 31st of May 2025 to both francis.mus@ugent.be and beatrijs.vanacker@kuleuven.be.

Job opportunity: Tenure track professor in Applied Linguistics German and Translation Studies (KU Leuven)

The Translation Studies Research Unit of the Faculty of Arts at KU Leuven is seeking a full-time (tenure-track) professor (ZAP) in the field of Applied Linguistics with a focus on German and Translation Studies or Multilingual Communication. The professorship will commence on 1 September 2025.

The deadline for submitting applications is 13 February 2025.

More information on the position and application procedure can be found here.