Conferences and research days

20/09/2024 (UGent, De Krook, De Blauwe Vogel)
Vertaling en verzet. Symposium en emeritaatsviering voor Désirée Schyns
Organisation: Research groups TRACE (Translation and Culture, UGent) and CLIV

09/09/2024 (UGent, Campus Mercator, A104)
Misdaadfictie in de Lage Landen in transnationaal perspectief
Organisation: Bram Lambrecht, Jo De Brie, with the support of CLIV and TRACE


Past conferences 

17/11/2023 (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf)
Ein vielgestaltiger, aber unbekannter Nachbar? Die Rezeption belgischer Literaturen im deutschen Kontext (1945-heute)
Organisation: Vera Elisabeth Gerling, Arvi Sepp, Anja van de Pol-Tegge (VUB) a.o. with the support of CLIV

16/10/2023 (UGent, De Krook)
Reizen en thuiskomen: Lieve Joris en haar vertalers
Organisation: Bram Lambrecht en Anneleen Spiessens with the support of CLIV and TRACE

13−15/09/2023 (UGent, Campus Mercator)
Translation and the Periodical
Organisation: Gaëtan Regniers, Dominic Bentley-Hussey, Christina Bezari, Jo De Brie, Brecht de Groote, Miguel Ángel Guerra Blázquez, Francis Mus, Anna Namestnikov, Gaëtan Regniers, Piet Van Poucke
A collaboration of CLIV and UGent and ENLIGHT-partners Uppsala University, NUI Galway, University of Tartu and University of the Basque Country
Publication (2026) special issue of Journal of European Periodical Studies

13−14/06/2023 (VUB)
Transatlantic flows: the circulation of literature between the Americas and Europe
Organisation: Arvi Sepp (VUB), Federal University of Ceará, Federal University of Santa Catarina with the support of CLIV

22−23/04/2022 (UGent, De Krook)
The Original in its Metamorphoses. Tracing the Translator in the Long Eighteenth Century (1660–1830)
Organisation: Brecht de Groote, Lieve Jooken, Sonja Lavaert, Guy Rooryck with the support of CLIV
Publication (2025) conference volume in the Studies on Philosophy, Intellectual History, Arts, Sciences seriesBrepols

21/10/2021 (UGent, KANTL)
Hertmans in Vertaling
Organisation: research group TRACE (Translation and Culture, UGent) with the support of CLIV

13−14/12/2021 (KU Leuven, Antwerpen)
Vertaling en wereldliteratuur: een Belgisch perspectief
Organisation: UAntwerpen, KU Leuven, VUB with the support of CLIV

15−16/10/2020 (UGent, online)
Nuevas escrituras multilingües latinoamericanas y latinas (2000-2020)
Organisation: Ilse Logie, An Van Hecke and Sarah Staes with the support of CLIV

5−6/12/2019 (VUB, Passa Porta)
Kader Abdolah: Poëtica, vertaling en receptie
Organisation: Philippe Humblé, Hans Vandevoorde and Arvi Sepp with the support of CLIV

07/02−08/02/2017 (UGent, Campus Mercator)
Retranslation in Context 3
Organisation: CLIV in collaboration with Universiteit Gent and Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Sanz Gallego, G. & Van Poucke, P. (2019). Retranslation in Context. Cadernos de Tradução39(1), special issue.

09−11/12/2015 (Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Parlement/Universitaire Stichting, Brussel)
Translation in Exile
Organisation: CLIV in collaboration with University of Santiago de Compostela (Spanje) and Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazilië)
Sepp, A., Humblé, Ph., Sanz Gallego, G. & Schyns, D. (2018). Translation in Exile. Cadernos de Tradução38(1), special issue.

15−16/09/2014 (Philipps Universität Marburg)
The Dutch Legacy. Radical thinkers of the 17th century and the Enlightenment
Organisation: Sonja Lavaert (VUB, CLIV) and Winfried Schröder (Philipps Universität Marburg)
Lavaert, S. & Schröder, W. (eds.) (2016). The Dutch legacy: radical thinkers of the 17th century and the Enlightenment. Brill.