Yves T’Sjoen

Yves T’Sjoen obtained his PhD from UGent with a historical-critical edition of the poetry of Richard Minne. His current research focusses on text edition, interbellum and postwar Dutch literature and South-African Afrikaans literature. He is editor and board member of a number of journals (Zacht Lawijd, Verslagen en Mededelingen van de KANTL, Mededelingen van het Cyriel Buysse Genootschap, Dutch Crossing, Stilet). He also chairs the research group Teksteditie Literatuur (Text edition Literature) in Flanders and is a board member of the Ghent centre for Afirkaans and the study of South Africa (UGent). Momenteel is hij redacteur van twee literaire editiereeksen: Experimentele literatuur in Vlaanderen 1950-1970 (Academic & Scientific Publications) en Literatuur in Vlaanderen 1900-1950 (Lannoo Campus). He has also been appointed as a research professor at the Department of Afrikaans and Dutch (University of Stellenbosch).

Contact: Yves.Tsjoen@UGent.be

