Translation as Political Act

The University of Perugia announces its upcoming conference

La traduzione come atto politico
Translation as Political Act
La traduction comme acte politique

which will be hosted at Perugia from 9 to 11 May 2019 by the Department of Political Sciences, in collaboration with the Genealogies of Knowledge Project, University of Manchester (UK).

The conference seeks to address four areas of particular interest. The first area concerns the role of translation in the development and dissemination of political ideas; the second area considers how translation operates in the context of institutional politics; the third looks at how social movements and interest groups use translation to advance their agendas or political demands; finally, the fourth area concerns translation practices in the media, focusing on international politics.

CLIV-members Guy Rooryck and Lieve Jooken will deliver a keynote paper on “Le traducteur-médiateur: un dialogue franco-britannique au siècle des Lumières”.

Full programme
Conference website
Registration closes on 30 April 2019.

Organising committee:

Diana Bianchi (Università di Perugia, Italia)
Jan Buts (University of Manchester, UK)
Henry Jones (University of Manchester, UK)
Francesca Piselli (Università di Perugia, Italia)
Federico Zanettin (Università di Perugia, Italia)


Chair in Translation Studies (Utrecht University)

The Department of Languages, Literature, and Communication of the Faculty of Humanities, Utrecht University is seeking applications for a full professorship in the field of Translation Studies. The Department of Languages, Literature, and Communication (TLC) brings together expertise in the fields of specific Languages (Celtic & Classics, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish) as well as those of Linguistics, Comparative Literature and Communication Studies. The successful candidate will have a key role to play in the department in the strategic development of Translation Studies both in teaching and research.

The Professor of Translation Studies will have teaching responsibilities in translation studies and be responsible for overseeing and further developing undergraduate and graduate teaching in the field. The Chair will also be charged with developing research capacity and new research lines in the field of Translation Studies, and will have responsibility for the staff involved in these teaching and research programmes.

The successful candidate will be able to :

  • initiate and stimulate graduate and undergraduate teaching within the Department on topics relating to Translation Studies;
  • initiate, stimulate, and supervise research within the Department in state of the art in Translation Studies;
    contribute to the visibility of the field of study both within and beyond the Faculty of Humanities and the Dutch academic world;
  • apply successfully for research funding;
  • initiate, and participate in, activities aimed to disseminate academic knowledge to the wider public;
    demonstrate outreach, openness and the ability to build bridges between diverse approaches and colleagues;
    provide guidance and coaching to younger colleagues;
  • able and willing in due course to contribute to the management of the Department and the Faculty.


Required competences
The successful candidate will:

  • have excellent qualifications, evident from leading publications on themes relevant to the chair;
  • will preferably have some practical experience as a translator;
  • have a proven ability to develop a distinctive line of research within the framework described;
  • be able to use Dutch as a working language in translation studies or, in the case of non-Dutch speakers, be willing to acquire the relevant language skills within a period of two years;
  • have an excellent knowledge of at least one of the modern languages that is taught within the department (Dutch, English, French, Spanish, German or Italian)
  • be competent in English; have supervisory skills, evidenced by the coaching of young researchers, especially PhD students;
  • have a successful track record in attracting substantial research funding from external sources, or show the potential to do so;
  • be experienced in interdisciplinary cooperation;
  • have knowledge and experience with regard to the use and impact of research tools in field of Digital Humanities;
  • have an international orientation, evidenced by international research networks, as well as a commitment to working within the Dutch context.
  • be an excellent teacher who is motivated and able to motivate others;
  • have experience in course and curriculum development;
  • be motivated to take on administrative responsibilities within the department and the Faculty of Humanities and have all relevant organisational and practical skills to do so;• have relevant experience with administrative responsibilities;
  • have strong leadership and social skills;
  • be a team player who knows how to motivate people.


What we offer
We offer a 1.0 FTE position for five years, which upon positive evaluation will be converted into a permanent contract. The gross salary – depending on previous qualifications and experience – ranges between €5,582 and €8,127 (scale H2 according to the Collective Labour Agreement Dutch Universities) gross per month for a full-time employment. Salaries are supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8 % and a year-end bonus of 8.3 % per year. We offer a pension scheme, (partly paid) parental leave, collective insurance schemes and flexible employment conditions (multiple choice model). More information is available at: working at Utrecht University.

About the organization
Utrecht University is at the heart of society and has strong ambitions with regard to the quality and success of its programmes. With its distinct research profile in Sustainability, Life Sciences, Dynamics of Youth and Institutions of Open Societies the faculty aims to contribute to a better understanding of the Netherlands and Europe within an ever changing social and cultural context.

Your application can be uploaded through the link: below until the 27 January 2019.

Your application should consist of:

  • a letter of motivation;
  • a CV and list of publications;
  • a brief research plan which shows how you would develop your research in translation studies in the context of the Department;
  • one or two course outlines from earlier courses that you have taught and that are indicative of your approach to teaching translation studies.

For further information about the Department please visit :

For further information about the position, please download the full Description of the Chair in Translation Studies (chair_in_translation_studies). You are also free to contact the Head of Department, Prof. Dr. Ann Rigney, for further information.

Women are encouraged to apply for this position. Interviews with selected

Job offer: Professor within Translation Studies focused on Cultural Transfer

Apply until 06/11/2018 23:59 CET
Discipline: Translation Studies Focused on Cultural Transfer
100% Assistant professor tenure track
Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
Reference number: 201809/LW/ZAP/005


The job offer can be seen on the intern and/or extern web page.






  • have high-level academic research experience in the field of Translation Studies focused on cultural transfer, which can be corroborated by publications in quality, peer-reviewed, academic journals and books;
  • should have demonstrable expertise in the department’s research field of translation and culture;
  • are capable of initiating and supervising academic research and collecting the necessary funds for this;
  • should possess the necessary didactic skills to help university students develop and achieve academic competences;
  • should be able to demonstrate experience in academic teaching
  • Should have a knowledge of Dutch and of one or more languages taught at the department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication at C2-level.


In addition:

  • being internationally mobile, inter alia by taking part in research programmes at research institutions not linked to the university where the highest degree was obtained, will be considered an asset;
  • having positively evaluated experience in offering and/or organising academic training is recommended;
  • involvement in the professionalisation of education will be considered an asset;
  • having translated in the field of culture in general is recommended.



For further information regarding these vacancies, please contact Professor Veronique Hoste ( at the faculty of Arts and Philosophy, department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication.

Call for papers – “Translation and Plurisemiotic Practices”

JoSTrans 35 (January 2021)

Special issue ‘Translation and Plurisemiotic Practices’

Guest editors : Francis Mus (Université de Liège – CIRTI) and Sarah Neelsen (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – CEREG)

This special issue of JoSTrans is a contribution to the current research on translating ‘multidimensional’ works that combine texts with other semiotic elements such as music, lighting, body movements or images, usually associated with the stage. Translators who have to transfer those plurisemiotic works face hybrid objects: as meaning is not only invested in words, translators must thus take into account this intersemiotic dialectics and create multidimensional works as well.

Contributions may address the following plurisemotic pratices: theatre, performance, music, poetry in sign language, plastic arts.

Some plurisemiotic practices have already been the object of academic research. This particularly applies to translation for the stage and audiovisual translation, two fields of research that have remarkably developed over the past two decades. Other areas are much less explored. Research on the interweaving of translation and music is much more recent, especially when popular music is involved. This is also the case for translation and plastic arts, the interconnection of which has rarely been the object of systematic research: can the translation of a text be shaped as an art object? What kind of translation does the circulation of plastic works require? Sign language has attracted a lot of interest of late, but is mostly studied as a language of translation rather than as a language of creation.

The 35th issue of JoSTrans will carry on developments already started in several previous issues, for instance ‘The Translation of Multimodal Texts’ (2013) and ‘Translation in the Creative Industries’ (2018), though in this forthcoming 35th issue contributions will be limited to plurisemiotic practices performed in front of an audience. Communication between artist(s) and audience(s) occurs through some form of ‘translation’, ‘localization’ or ‘adaptation’. Analyses can thus also tackle new professional fields of expertise as well as the development of new translation technologies, various topics that have already been addressed in several issues, particularly in issues n°23 (2015), 26 (2016) and 30 (2018).

Contributions should be thematically and methodologically related to one of the following areas of research:

1. While indeed some practices have already been studied in other disciplines (literary studies, semiotics, cultural studies, etc.), the focus will be here on Translation Studies. Proposals should belong, both thematically and methodologically, to an epistemological tradition in Translation Studies that provides tools to identify the specific nature of translation, while keeping in mind its intrinsically interdisciplinary dimension. Indeed, since some semiotic devices (for instance, can or should a tune or an image be translated?) and their interaction (for instance the relationship between text and image or between text and music) are often valued differently in different cultures, all translation will necessarily, to some extent, also be a ‘cultural translation’.

2. We aim at bringing together articles that go beyond case studies and achieve a cohesive whole in which several artistic disciplines are addressed and general hypotheses examined. We will also raise the question whether
there are challenges or translation techniques that apply to all artistic practices under scrutiny. Is it for instance possible to translate independently the various semiotic devices that concur in a work? How can translators ‘distribute’ (the translation of) those devices in the translation process itself? Should the ‘distribution’ in the target text be ‘equivalent’ to what it is in the source text? How can such an equivalence be defined? Can we talk here of a ‘compensation’ strategy? Finally, does the translation of plurisemiotic works
bring up some exceptional feature in translators’ activity, or does the very complexity of these works provide an ideal research object to illustrate some fundamental principles in any translation activity?

3. In this respect the part played by translators is essential. Since their translation must simultaneously take into account several semiotic systems, sometimes at the very moment when the practice occurs on stage, their
position is significantly changed / revalued. Indeed, the overlapping of technological developments over the second half of the twentieth century with the recognition and ever greater visibility of translators has extended the field in which the latter can perform their art. In Translation Studies too this new freedom has been recognized and studied since a prescriptive research tradition has yielded to descriptive approaches that do not only focus on
equivalence, but are also interested in the translators’ creative role. In this respect the study of plurisemiotic works will make it possible to better define the limits and the possibilities of translators as co-authors and to shed light on all sorts of collaborations they can develop (with directors, musicians, actors, etc.). The reception of works which include some form of translation can also be examined, notably from the perspective of co-construction of meaning by audiences and translators.

Contributions can be written in French or English and must not be over 7,000 words (footnotes and bibliographies included).

Publication schedule:
– Proposals (500-word abstract + biographical notice) must be sent by 1 February 2019 to the two guest editors: Francis Mus ( and Sarah Neelsen (
– Full articles must be sent by 25 August 2019. The journal’s style sheet can be downloaded at

Full text in English: CFP_JosTrans 35_EN_DEF

Description en français : CFP_JosTrans 35_FR_DEF

Call for papers – Paradoxes and Misunderstandings in Cultural Transfers (UC Louvain)

Université catholique de Louvain, 22-24 May 2019


Introduced in Cultural History in the late 1980s to cover the dead angles of comparative studies, the notion of cultural transfer refers to diverse phenomena of circulation, transformation and reinterpretation of cultural and textual goods across geo-cultural areas. As a research method intended to override national  rameworks, Cultural Transfer Studies have inspired an increasing amount of interdisciplinary work in various fields such as Literary Studies (e.g., Lüsebrink 2008, Roland 2016), Translation Studies (e.g., Göpferich 2007, Roig-Sanz & Meylaerts 2018), or Cultural and Art History (e.g., Espagne 2013, Middell 2014). Beyond the sole idea of displacement between a source and a target culture, cultural transfers aim to do justice to the heterogeneity of each cultural zone and to the logics of intersection and hybridity by identifying enclaves, networks and vectors of exchanges. Inspired by the promises of  entangled history’/’Verflechtungsgeschichte’ (Werner & Zimmerman 2003) – which takes into account the reciprocity and multidirectionality of (re-)transfers –, recent studies have investigated the diversity, intertwining and non-linearity of a broad spectrum of transfer practices, including translations, thus giving voice to mediating activities and agencies largely ignored so far (e.g., D’hulst 2012).

Despite its conceptual relevance and the proliferation of case studies on mediators and border crossing phenomena, Transfer Studies seem to have reached a
turning point. On the one hand and as already pointed out by Werner and Zimmerman (2003), even entangled objects, entities and practices do not escape pre-established categorizations and the essentialist pitfalls they entail. On the other hand, the insistence on coincidence and the methodological flattening out of any pre-existing borders, sometimes at the expense of historicity, risk to precipitate the methodological framework toward unproductive relativism. As a result, and because of a certain lack of consensus among theorists (Joyeux 2003), the added value and the merits of Transfers vis-à-vis related concepts in e.g. Postcolonial Studies, Translation Studies, transnational historiography or transcultural studies have been questioned. What is the specificity of cultural transfers? Can it be thought outside the West European context? Can the notion of transfer help us to overcome disciplinary, national and linguistic borders? Or does it reaffirm them? How should we apprehend the (non-)linearity and asymmetry of transfer processes over various spaces and times? Is it possible to measure the impact of transfers and (how) can we evaluate their relative ‘success’? Facing these questions and paradoxes, this conference would like to (re)think the viability of the concept of cultural transfer, its current and future challenges as well as its tools, objectives and epistemological framework(s) in an interdisciplinary perspective. The main issues we would like to discuss are related, but not limited, to four topics: (1) linearity, (2) borders/boundaries, (3) competing/connected concepts and (4) impact/success.

1) (Non-)Linearity. Transfer is a continuous process involving various moving sources and targets, such as institutions, languages, cultures, agents. How can we adequately apprehend them across time within or outside the reductionist source-target binarity, with its hierarchical and often too unidirectional frames?

2) Borders/Boundaries. Do transfers and translations create (Pym 1998), enforce (Leerssen 2014) and/or surpass borders? What is the impact of the researcher’s position on the way he/she conceives boundaries?

3) Competing/Connected concepts. Transfer is an omnipresent cultural phenomenon linked to concepts from other disciplines (e.g. hybridity, métissage,
in-betweenness, transculturality, pluriculturality, translation, networks, third space, etc.). Do these related concepts go beyond purely conceptual discrepancies, and if so, can concepts from other disciplines bring insight to Transfer Studies, and vice versa?

4) Impact/success. (How) can we evaluate the function(s), impact and success of transfer processes over time? What can we learn from failed transfers? What are the consequences of misunderstandings and how to deal with them? How and when do researchers define a transfer as ‘successful’ or not?


We invite speakers to submit abstracts of maximum 200 words, methodologically and/or theoretically motivated. The conference languages will be English and French. Please send your abstract and short bio-bibliographical note to both and before 30 October 2018.


Confirmed keynotes/ conférenciers confirmés
– Elke Brems (KU Leuven)
– Diana Roig-Sanz (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)

Organizing committee/ comité d’organisation
– Julie Crombois (FNRS, UC Louvain)
– Dirk Delabastita (U Namur)
– Maud Gonne (FNRS, U Namur/UC Louvain)
– Hubert Roland (FNRS, UC Louvain)
– Elies Smeyers (FNRS, UC Louvain/U Gent)
– Stéphanie Vanasten (UC Louvain)

Scientific committee/ comité scientifique
– Marnix Beyen (U Antwerpen)
– Lieven D’hulst (KU Leuven)
– Jaap Grave (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)
– Joep Leerssen (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
– Reine Meylaerts (KU Leuven)
– Lut Missinne (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)
– Helga Mitterbauer (ULB)
– Francis Mus (U Liège)
– Arvi Sepp (VUB/U Antwerpen)

Exploring creativity in translation across cultures / Créativité et traduction à travers les cultures

This volume offers a rich overview of research in the field of translation conducted by scholars from different countries working with the English-French language pair. Creativity is looked at from a cross-cultural perspective, taking into account many diverse aspects and angles, which involve different processes and actors. Divided into two subsections and accompanied by a double preface in English as well as by a foreword and an introduction in both languages, the book is the result of demanding editing work.

More info :

Translating Cultural Memory in Fiction and Testimony – Memory Studies and Translation Studies in Dialogue

Translating Cultural Memory in Fiction and Testimony – Memory Studies and Translation Studies in Dialogue
International Conference

Organizers: Claudia Jünke (University of Innsbruck) and Désirée Schyns (Ghent University)

University of Innsbruck (Austria), 10-11 October 2019

A few years ago Sharon Deane-Cox (2013: 309) observed a “striking absence of dialogue between memory studies and translations studies”, two fields of research which with very rare exceptions (such as Brodzki 2007) did not have much contact with each other. This diagnosis is still valid today and has recently been confirmed by Siobhan Brownlie (2016: 12) who states that “the research concerning translation and memory […] has not been conceptualized as a whole”. The interdisciplinary conference aims at bringing together scholars from cultural memory studies and from translation studies without privileging one of the two disciplinary perspectives. In doing so, it wants to further explore the potential of a new research design that results from the intersections and the nterplay of these two areas of study. The focus of the conference will lie on a particular kind of memory: fictional and testimonial literature’s memories of traumatic pasts, i.e. memories of wars, genocide, dictatorship, colonial oppression, terror and other forms of politically and ethnically motivated violence. We propose to consider literary fictions and testimony that deal with these issues as media of ‘cultural memory’ in the sense of Jan Assmann (1992) and Aleida Assmann (2012), i.e. of collectively shared visions of the past which emerge from historical knowledge stored in and transmitted by cultural objects and practices and which circulate and are negotiated in the (trans)cultural sphere. What happens when texts that represent, perform and negotiate traumatic memories are translated into other languages and therefore into other cultural contexts? What is the importance of particular translation strategies, of paratextual framing, of different horizons of expectation and reception for the transmission of cultural reminiscence? Which role do the translations, the translators and other agents of translation play for memory’s transcultural, cross-border ‘travels’? Is there an ‘ethics of translation’ when it comes to the transfer of memories of past crimes? These are some of the question that the conference wants to address.

The far-reaching absence of dialogue between translation studies scholars and those cultural studies scholars interested in questions of translation seems to be mainly a consequence of the different concepts of ‘translation’ that are at play. On the one hand, cultural studies scholars advocate for a wideranging concept that understands ‘translation’ in a broad and metaphorical sense, referring for instance to the transfers between cultures, areas of knowledge or academic disciplines. This is for instance the case in Doris Bachmann-Medick’s work on the ‘translational turn’ in the humanities (see BachmannMedick 2009). On the other hand, translation studies scholars tend to criticize this conceptual widening and claim the importance of a more specific and narrow concept of translation that keeps ‘translation proper’ as its point of reference (see Dizdar 2009, Heller 2017). In focusing on memories of traumatic pasts in fictional and testimonial literature and in fostering a dialogue between memory scholars interested in questions of translation and translation scholars interested in questions of memory the conference wants to stimulate productive discussions that transcend the binarity of these two positions and that scrutinize the cross-fertilizations between the two academic disciplines.

Confirmed keynote speakers: Susan Bassnett (University of Warwick) and Lucy Bond (University of Westminster)

We encourage the proposal of papers both on theoretical and conceptual aspects and on particular case studies (on different genres such as narrative, poetry, drama, graphic novels, testimony, autobiography) that reflect on the intersections of memory and translation and that explicitly tackle the problems, questions and desiderata addressed in this description. The language of the conference is English; the presentations should not exceed 20 minutes as we want to have sufficient time for discussion.

Scholars interested in participating and presenting a paper are invited to send their abstracts (including short biographical information) of not more than 350 words to the organizers:,

Deadline for the submission of abstracts of papers: 15 January 2019

Notification of the acceptance of the papers will be sent until the end of February 2019

Assmann, Aleida, 2012: Cultural Memory and Western Civilization. Functions, Media, Archives, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Assmann, Jan, 1992: Das kulturelle Gedächtnis: Schrift, Erinnerung und Politische Identität in frühen Hochkulturen, München: C.H. Beck.
Bachmann-Medick, Doris, 2009: “Introduction: The translational turn”, Translation Studies 2/1, 2–16.
Brodzki, Bella, 2007: Can these bones live? Translation, Survival, and Cultural Memory, Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Brownlie, Siobhan, 2016: Mapping Memory in Translation, Houndmills / Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Deane-Cox, Sharon, 2013: “The translator as secondary witness: Mediating memory in Antelme’s L’espèce humaine”, Translation Studies 6/3, 309–323.
Dizdar, Dilek, 2009: “Translational transitions: ‘Translation proper’ and translation studies in the humanities”, Translation Studies 2/1, 89–102.
Heller, Lavinia, 2017: „Eulen nach Athen? Provokation und Reflexionsanstöße des translational turn derKulturwissenschaft für die Translationstheorie“, Lavinia Heller (ed.): Kultur und Übersetzung. Studien zu einem begrifflichen Verhältnis, Bielefeld: Transcript, 93–115.

Tradurre e ritradurre i classici / Translations and new translations of classics

On Wednesday 7th of November 2018 the VUB organizes a study day about (new) translations of literary classics. The event will take place in Brussels at the IIC (Instituto Italiano di Cultura, rue de Livourne 38).

Italy publishes new translations of foreign classics more often than any other European country. The fact that the Italian language seems to “expire” within a few decades shows its lexical mobility. This conference aims to focus on this specific phenomenon resorting really in the least to the theories of the translation studies: even though these critical tools are necessary for the translator’s cultural baggage, they cannot substitute his/her ear, which remains essential to capture the echo emanated from the original text.

The analysis of these new translations of foreign classics of modern and contemporary literature will focuses on the real practice of translation: some of the best translators of world-renowned classics will be iinvited to explain their linguistics choices in order to “rejuvenate” the Italian language and in order to know how to combine linguistics needs and publishing strategies.

A special “Dutch focus” will explore translations from Dutch into Italian and vice versa.

More information and programme: Tradurre e ritradurre i classici

Contact and inscription : Stefania Ricciardi (, organiser of the study day

International Conference on Retranslation in Context IV

International Conference on Retranslation in Context IV
Comillas Pontifical University Madrid
23-24 May 2019

Retranslation is essentially “the act of translating a work that has previously been translated into the same language” and “the result of such an act, i.e. the retranslated text itself” (Tahir Gürçağlar, 2009: 233). Research in this field has expanded considerably since the “Retranslation Hypothesis” was proposed in the 1990s, and the 4th International Conference on Retranslation in Context at Comillas Pontifical University Madrid on 23-24 May 2019 aims to take stock of the evolution of this field of studies and provide a space for future proposals, offering a broad platform to discuss retranslation both in theory and in practice by maintaining and building upon the academic tradition of the previous Retranslation in Context conferences organized at Boğaziçi University Istanbul (2013 and 2015) and Ghent University (2017).

Academic discussion of literary retranslation can initially be retraced to 1990, when Bensimon and Berman edited a special issue of Palimpsestes on “Retraduire”, and therein raised some of the fundamental research questions in what has come to be to known as “retranslation theory” (Brownlie, 2006). Nevertheless, despite the considerable corpus of retranslations that is theoretically available for research purposes, this field has only quite recently developed into a burgeoning and dynamic area of Translation Studies. Thus, the term “Retranslation” was added to the second edition of the Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies in 2009 along with Koskinen & Paloposki’s chapter in the Handbook of Translation Studies (2010). More recently, Deane-Cox (2014) devoted a monograph to the topic of literary retranslation, Target published a special issue on “Voice in Retranslation” in 2015, edited by Alvstad and Assis Rosa, and Cadera and Walsh (2017) have also recently edited a volume that focused specifically on Literary Retranslation.

Despite this gradual increase in research on this topic, it is still valid to recall the words of Paloposki and Koskinen, who suggested that retranslation is “a field of study that has been touched from many angles but not properly mapped out, and in which there exist a number of intuitive assumptions which have not been thoroughly studied” (2010, 30-31). Therefore, the 4th International Conference Retranslation in Contexts seeks to bring together researchers from multidisciplinary backgrounds to try to advance in a rigorous and comprehensive approach to the theory and practice of retranslation.

While research into retranslation has primarily focused on the literary variety, we also welcome studies on different aspects of retranslation, such as historiographical, political and philosophical discourse, in addition to more methodological approaches. Other subjects that merit further analysis in the broad field of Translation Studies include the history of literary retranslation and its relationship to the history of literary translation, the role of the different agents involved and the importance of retranslation in the canonization process of world literature. This process is notoriously sensitive to various kinds of manipulation and censorship which lead to an eventual need for retranslation.

Other key issues that we propose for discussion at the Conference include the historical context of translational norms, ideological turns, the translator’s agency and the relationship between retranslation and intertextuality. Retranslation can frequently reflect or even trigger a change in the linguistic, literary and intellectual milieu of the target culture and, therefore, research into this phenomenon may reveal an implicit social conflict or struggle among cultural agents who use retranslation to achieve their own personal, cultural or ideological objectives. Moreover, although the hegemonic object of studies into retranslation has hitherto been the translation of literary and/or sacred texts, there is also an increasing interest in retranslations of other text types in different media, as the role of retranslation in the dissemination of knowledge and the transfer of new ideas and concepts is becoming increasingly evident.

Therefore, we invite proposals for 20-minute papers addressing diverse aspects of Retranslation. Suggested topics include, but are by no means limited to, the following:

– Retranslation and (Self) Censorship
– Retranslation and History
– Retranslation and Philosophy
– Retranslation and Memory
– Retranslation and Reception
– Retranslation and Canon
– Retranslation and Intertextuality
– Retranslation Motives (ageing, ideology, …)
– Retranslation Ethics (authorship, plagiarism, copyright)

Working Languages: English and Spanish

Please send abstracts of no more than 300 words, in English or Spanish including a short bio note (max. 150 words) to by 30 September 2018.

Notification of acceptance: 30 November 2018.

Please note there will be a conference fee of 120 euros for those who present a paper and 60 euros for those who wish to attend without presenting a paper.

Selected contributions from the conference will be included in an edited volume.

More information:

EST congress 2019 : “Living translation – people, processes, products”

Stellenbosch (South Africa), 9-13 September 2019


In a multilingual and multicultural world shaped by mediated interactions between people from diverse national, linguistic and cultural backgrounds, translation in all its forms and interfaces is more prevalent than ever. In Africa, as in the rest of the world, translation is intrinsically linked with its environment: translation in all its variety is not only the object of an academic discipline, it is a fact of life. This reality is living, shifting and vibrant, like the academic discipline of translation studies, which has shown its flexibility over the past decades. The interaction of translation studies with fields such as linguistics, literary studies and cultural studies is obvious. At the less traditional end of the spectrum, publications on translation and the Anthropocene and the era of big data point to a myriad of extremely fertile research areas.
The theme of ‘Living Translation’ includes current topics, such as the role of translation in the lived experience of the Other, in fake news, mass communication, power and ideology, oral histories, the hegemony of English, accessibility, inclusivity, education, gender and transformation, since these practices all imply, implicate or employ translation in some way. It is the aim of the 9th EST Congress to explore these and other pertinent matters of translation in real life, from various theoretical and analytical points of departure. The three sub-headings, “People, Processes, Products”, are intended to stimulate robust discussions as we map our way forward as a living discipline.
As in earlier EST congresses, the 9th EST Congress will mainly be constructed around thematic panels. We welcome proposals for panels related to the general conference theme from a broad view of translation studies. Panels can adopt various (inter)disciplinary, methodological, conceptual, professional, historical or geographical approaches relating to the concept or experience of the conference theme Living Translation.

A panel proposal should consist of:
– names and affiliations of the panel conveners (maximum 3)
– a title
– a general description of approx. 300 words, also indicating possible subtopics and approaches
– an essential bibliography (max. 5 publications)

Please send panel proposals by no later than 15 July 2018 to both:
– Ilse Feinauer, Chair of the Organizing Committee (, and
– Luc van Doorslaer, Chair of the Scientific Committee (

Notification of panel acceptance will be given by 1 October 2018. The themes of the accepted panels will be published and open for submissions around the end of October.