CETRA conference on “Publishing in Translation Studies”

On the occasion of the 30th Research Summer School, CETRA, the KU Leuven Centre for Translation Studies, organizes a two-day international conference

in collaboration with ID-TS, the International Doctorate in Translation Studies, on “Publishing Translation Studies”.

Location: KU Leuven, campus Antwerp, 7-8 September 2018


The full programme with all speakers, titles and abstracts is now available at the conference website https://www.arts.kuleuven.be/cetra/publishinginTS.

Registration for the conference is now open as well. Early-bird registration is possible until 15 June.

La littérature philosophique clandestine en traduction

On 22 June 2018 the International Study Day over clandestine philosophical literature in translation will take place at the University Paris Sorbonne. This event is organized by the CELLF in association with l’Institut d’Histoire des Représentations et des Idées dans les Modernités.

Full programme: Programme littérature philosophique cladestine

Information en contact: susana.seguin@ens-lyon.fr

Study day: “Translations and new translations of foreign classics”

Translations and new translations of foreign classics

VUB-IIC (Italian Cultural Institute), Brussels, 7 november 2018

Italy publishes new translations of foreign classics more often than any other European country. The fact that the Italian language seems to “expire” within a few decades shows its lexical mobility. This conference aims to focus on this specific phenomenon resorting really in the least to the theories of the translation studies: even though these critical tools are necessary for the translator’s cultural baggage, they cannot substitute his/her ear, which remains essential to capture the echo emanated from the original text.

The analysis of these new translations of foreign classics of modern and contemporary literature will focuses on the real practice of translation: some of the best Italian translators of world-renowned classics will be invited to explain their linguistics choices in order to “rejuvenate” the Italian language and in order to know how to combine linguistics needs and publishing strategies. A special “Dutch focus” will explore translations from Dutch into Italian and vice versa.

Planned program

1. Ilide Carmignani
Gabriel GARCIA MARQUEZ, Cien años de soledad [1967] (Cent’anni di solitudine (Mondadori 2017).

2. Franca Cavagnoli
James JOYCE, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man [1916] (Un ritratto dell’artista da giovane, Feltrinelli 2016).

3. Fabio Pedone & Enrico Terrinoni (Università per Stranieri di Perugia)
James JOYCE, Finnegans Wake [1939] (Finnegans Wake, Mondadori 2017).

4. Franco Paris
(translator of Hugo Claus)

5. Frans Denissen
(translator in Dutch of Leonardo Sciascia, Umberto Eco, Carlo Emilio Gadda, etc.)

6. Stefania Ricciardi (VUB-KU Leuven)
Marguerite YOURCENAR, Denier du rêve [1934 and 1959] (Moneta del sogno, Bompiani 2017)

Conference: “Translation research – Translator training”

24-26 May 2018 | PPCU Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Institute of English and American Studies
1 Mikszáth tér, Budapest 1088, Hungary

Second call for papers

▪ Translation research – translation training
▪ Translating languages of limited diffusion: state of the art and perspectives
▪ Comparing experiences and systems: translator training at graduate and
postgraduate levels
▪ Intersemiotic translation

Andrew Chesterman, University of Helsinki, Finland
Luc van Doorslaer, KU Leuven, CETRA, Belgium
Pál Heltai, ELTE, Kodolányi János University, Hungary
Don Kiraly,Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany

Please send us your abstract (250-300 words) and a short bio (200 words) to translationconference2018@btk.ppke.hu if you wish to participate in these panels, and indicate its form (oral presentation [20 minutes]; speed presentation [5 minutes]; poster).

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 31 January 2018
Notification of acceptance: 15 February 2018
Registration will start on 1 February 2018
For further information, please e-mail us: translationconference2018@btk.ppke.hu
Website: btk.ppke.hu/trtt

The Life of Padma (Svayambhudeva) Edited and translated by Eva De Clercq (vol. 1)

The Life of Padma, or the Paümacariu, is a richly expressive Jain retelling in the Apabhramsha language of the famous Ramayana tale. The work was written by the poet and scholar Svayambhudeva, who lived in south India around the beginning of the tenth century. Like the epic tradition on which it is based, The Life of Padma narrates Prince Rama’s exile, his search for his wife Sita after her abduction by King Ravana of Lanka, and the restoration of his kingship.

This is the first direct translation into English of the oldest extant work in Apabhramsha, accompanied by a corrected reprint in the Devanagari script of Harivallabh C. Bhayani’s critical edition.

Eva de Clercq (the translator) is Professor of Indian Language and Culture at Ghent University.

More information: http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674660366

Research Day: “Trauma y traducción en la narrativa hispanoamericana contemporánea”

The research day “Trauma y traducción en la narrativa hispanoamericana contemporánea” will take place in Ghent on February 2, 2018, within the framework of the FWO-project (UGent-KUL): “Vidas en traducción. Las paradojas de la escritura autobiográfica multilingüe hispanoamericana”.

Location: Grote Vergaderzaal Engels (large meeting room, 130.017), Blandijnberg 2, Gent
Website: http://www.livesintranslation.ugent.be/trauma-y-traduccion/
Contact: Ilse.Logie@UGent.be

International conference: “Translation and cultural sustainability: groundwork, foundations and applications”

The 1st International Conference “Translation and Cultural Sustainability: Groundwork, Foundations and Applications” will take place in Salamanca on November 28, 29, 30, 2018. The joint celebrations of the 8th centenary of the University of Salamanca and of the 25th anniversary of the implementation of Translation and Interpreting studies at this university provide the perfect background for a venue where Translation and Interpreting experts can meet to discuss the future of our discipline.

Keynote Lectures
a. Georges Bastin (Université de Montréal)
b. Susan Bassnett (University of Warwick)
c. Edwin Gentzler (University of Massachusetts)
d. Salvador Gutiérrez (Universidad de León)
e. Dorothy Kenny (Dublin City University)
f. Christiane Nord (University of the Free State, Bloemfontein)
Round Tables

a. Translation and the media
i. Moderator: Mª Rosario Martín Ruano (Univ. de Salamanca)
ii. Luc Van Doorslaer (KU Leuven)
iii. Roberto Valdeón García (Univ. de Oviedo)

b. Translation, migrations and asymmetries in the globalised world
i. Moderator: África Vidal Claramonte (Univ. Salamanca)
ii. Karen Bennett (Univ. Nova de Lisboa)
iii. Loredana Polezzi (Cardiff Univ.)

c. Linguistic norm for translators
i. Moderator: Julio Borrego Nieto (Univ. Salamanca)
ii. Ángel López García (Univ. Valencia)
iii. Miguel Ángel Quesada Pacheco (Univ. Bergen)

d. Terminology and Translation
i. Moderator: Joaquín García Palacios (Univ. Salamanca)
ii. Mª Teresa Cabré i Castellví (Univ. Pompeu Fabra)
iii. Pamela Faber (Univ. Granada)

e. Translation and Technologies
i. Moderator: Jesús Torres (Univ. Salamanca)
ii. Pilar Sánchez Gijón (Univ. Autónoma de Barcelona)
iii. Frank Austermühl (Aston Univ.)

f. Translation for entertainment and information: dubbing and subtitling
i. Moderator: Fernando Toda Iglesia (Univ. Salamanca)
ii. Jorge Díaz Cintas (University College London)
iii. Frederic Chaume Varela (Univ. Jaume I)

g. Teaching literary translation: bridging the gap between research and professional activity
i. Moderator: Belén Santana López (Univ. Salamanca)
ii. Miguel Sáenz Sagaseta de Ilúrdoz (Real Academia Española)
iii. Mª Teresa Gallego Urrutia (Traductora literaria)

h. Translating the sciences: universality and diversity
i. Moderator: Cristina Valderrey Reñones (Univ. Salamanca)
ii. Esther Monzó i Nebot (Univ. Jaume I)
iii. Óscar Jiménez Serrano (Univ. Granada)

i. Teaching today and tomorrow
i. Moderator: Silvia Roiss (Univ. Salamanca)
ii. Don Kiraly (Univ. Mainz)
iii. Dorothy Kelly (Univ. Granada)

j. Women interpreters, researchers and lecturers
i. Moderator: Jesús Baigorri Jalón (Univ. Salamanca)
ii. Dörte Andres (Univ. Mainz)
iii. Ángela Collados Aís (Univ. Granada)

Thematic panels
1. Linguistic and information and research disciplines and tools. Terminology; neology; lexicography; corpus processing; discourse analysis, information management, etc.

2. Revising and editing translations. Reviewing and editing source and target texts in the mother tongue; revising translations and translation quality assessment; post-editing, etc.

3. Constrained translation and technology-based media. Localisation of interactive digital products; screen translation; machine translation; etc.

4. The translation trade: tools and ethics. Professional issues in translation and interpreting; translation project management; computer-aided translation, translation and editing management systems; accessibility in translation and localization; etc.

5. Specialised and literary translation. Scientific and technical translation; finance/economics/business translation; legal, sworn and court translation; institutional translation; literary translation; translation for the publishing industry and the media; etc.

6. Translator training. Mother tongue, foreign languages and translation; languages for specific purposes; teaching translation and interpreting, etc.

7. History of translation

8. Theories and intersections. Translation and culture; post-colonial theories of translation; translation and gender; translation and sociology; translation and ideology; translation and globalisation: language and culture asymmetries; etc.

− 31/05/2018: deadline for submitting paper proposals.
− 15/07/2018: notification of acceptance of proposals.
− 30/08/2018: deadline for early-bird registration.
− 31/10/2018: deadline for standard registration.

− E-mail: congresotraduccion@usal.es
− Complete programme :