Ongoing research projects
- Miguel Ángel Guerra Blázquez: La traducción y recepción del “Nouveau Roman” en la España franquista. Censura y posición en el campo literario. Supervisor: Jeroen Vandaele (UGent)
- Gaëtan Regniers: ‘To be continued…’ Dutch newspaper translations of Russian literature, 1840-1970. Supervisors: Piet Van Poucke and Marianne Van Remoortel (UGent)
- Sophie Decroupet: Translation and the museum. Exploring the impact of museum translation on memory construction and figures of the other. Supervisor: Anneleen Spiessens (UGent)
- Eline Denolf: Between accessibility and aesthetics. The translator agency at work in multilingual, postdramatic theatre in Brussels. Supervisors: Christel Stalpaert and Désirée Schyns (Joint PhD with Macquarie University, Sidney, Australië)
- Anna Namestnikov: Migration, translation, mediation. The instrumentalization of foreign literature in Russian émigré journals (1919-1939) (2021 – 2027) Supervisor: Piet Van Poucke (UGent)
- Axel Rekkers: Tussen het publieke en het verborgene: De peri- en paratekstuele voorstelling van Vlaamse/Belgische literatuur in de DDR. Supervisor: Arvi Sepp (VUB)
- Jo De Brie: Crime in translation: Criminality and social class in English crime fiction translated as feuilletons in Flemish interwar newspapers. Supervisors: Bram Lambrecht (UGent), Lieve Jooken (UGent)
- Dominic Bentley-Hussey: Forged identity. The role of hoaxes and pseudotranslations in European romanticism. Supervisor: Brecht de Groote (UGent)
- Qi Yuhan: Geopolitics and Translation. The Chinese Case. Supervisor: Philippe Humblé (VUB)
- Hua Wang: The Translation and Reception of Contemporary Chinese Women’s Literature (1990-2018): a Paratext Perspective. Supervisor: Philippe Humblé (VUB)
- Yunfeng Zhang: Multilingualism and Translation in Twentieth Century Hong Kong Literature. Supervisor: Arvi Sepp (VUB)
- Wei Dandan: A Study on Kn Liu’s English Translation of The Three-body Problem from a Socio-cultural Perspective. Supervisor: Arvi Sepp (VUB)
- Mo Zhu: Reinterpretation, Rethinking and Resignification: A Cultural Transfer approach to Asian American Literature, met CSC scholarship. Supervisor: Philippe Humblé (VUB)
- Jiang Jiao: Utopia and Classical Chinese Literature: The Possibilities of Cross-Cultural Research, met CSC scholarship. Supervisors: Sabine Hillen/Guillermo Sanz Gallego (VUB)
- Luomei Cui: Translation of Foregrounding Devices: Stylistic Analysis in Jia Pingwa’s Works. Supervisor: Guillermo Sanz Gallego (VUB)
- Yu Wang: Affective Spaces and Divided Memories in Transitional European and Chinese Cities. Supervisor: Guillermo Sanz Gallego (VUB)
- Wenfeng Zhou: Politics and Ideology of the Tang Dynasty in Ennin’s Diary. Supervisor: Guillermo Sanz Gallego (VUB)
- Cuimin Zhu: Ideology, translation, and the paradigm shift of Chinese literature in the 1980s. Supervisor: Guillermo Sanz Gallego (VUB)
- Padin Fazelian: Discursive Construction of Iranian National Image: Between Two Competing Narratives. Supervisor: Guillermo Sanz Gallego (VUB)
- Brenda Bressan Thomé: Tradução comentada dos diários de viagem ao redor do mundo de Madame Rose de Saulces de Freycinet a bordo do navio Uranie (1817-1820). Supervisor: Arvi Sepp (VUB). Joint PhD with UFSC (superviros UFSC: Marie-Hélène Torres)
- Oliwia Napierala: Feminist translators in Poland and Russia. Supervisor: Piet Van Poucke
- Elisa Robbe: The audiovisual transfer in Latin American migration. Supervisor: Alexandra Sanchez
Completed research projects
Jingyi Zhan (2024)
The Translation of Gender in Chinese Children’s Literature
Supervisor: Arvi Sepp (VUB)
Emmanuel Tasun Tidorchibe (2024)
Revisiting Formalism from a West African Perspective: Konkomba Folktales across Generations and Cultural Contexts
Supervisors: Birgit Neumann (HHU) & Eva Ulrike Pirker (VUB). Examiners: Stefanie Michels (Global History, HHU), Vera Elisabethh Gerling (Translation Studies, HHU), project site and data:
Sarah Staes (2022)
Vidas en traducción. Las paradojas de la escritura autobiográfica multilingüe hispanoamericana 1980-2015 // Lives in Translation. The Paradoxes of Spanish-American Multilingual Autobiographical Writing 1980-2015
Supervisors: Ilse Logie (UGent) and An Van Hecke (KULeuven)
Amaury de Sart (2022)
La poétique hétérolingue dans Larva. Babel de una noche de San Juan (1983) de Julián Ríos: des jeux de traductions aux enjeux traductifs // Heteroglossia en meertaligheid als poëtica. Larva. Babel de una noche de San Juan (1983) van Julián Ríos: van Spaanse woordspeling tot Franse vertaaluitdagingen
Supervisor: Guy Rooryck (UGent)
Anja van de Pol-Tegge (2021)
Belgische literaturen in Duitse vertaling – Meertaligheid en cultuuroverdracht (1945 tot heden)
Joint PhD; supervisors: Arvi Sepp (VUB), Vera Gerling (HHU Düsseldorf)
Elies Smeyers (2019)
Hugo Claus en français. Approche pluridisciplinaire des traductions et de leur impact sur l’image et la réception d’un transfert culturel à succès
Joint PhD UCL-UGent. Supervisors: Stéphanie Vanasten (Université catholique de Louvain) and Désirée Schyns (UGent)
Thomas Spittael (2015)
The Translation, Cultural Mediation, and Reception in Britain of J.-J. Rousseau’s Discours sur les Sciences et les Arts, 1751-1779: A Study of Translational Poetics, Ideological Adaptation, and Print Cultural Appropriation
Supervisors: Sandro Jung (UGent), Lieve Jooken and Guy Rooryck (UGent)
Lidia Rura (2014)
Het oeuvre van Aleksander Galič
Supervisors: Thomas Langerak (UGent), Piet Van Poucke (UGent)