Stella Linn

Stella Linn (°1961) is Assistant Professor of Translation Studies at the University of Groningen and programme coordinator of the Master’s track Vertalen in Europa (Translation in Europe). Before that, she worked as a translator at the European Union and as key editor of the Spanish Van Dale dictionaries. Her doctoral dissertation proposed a model for the description of poetry translations (Dichterlijkheid of letterlijkheid?, Amsterdam 1998). She acted as supervisor of Émilie Sanon-Ouattara and Lalbila Yoda (both PhDs defended in 2005). She is also a jury member of the Martinus Nijhoff Translation Prize of the Dutch Cultuurfonds.

Stella Linn has co-authored and co-edited several textbooks on translation and literature, including the volume Translation and Interculturality: Africa and the West, Peter Lang (2008) and two translation manuals, from Spanish (2007) and French (2010) to Dutch. She has published several dozens of articles in the fields of translation studies, sociolinguistics, literary studies, and sociology of literature (see Her current research interests include the added value of human translators over machine translation.

See also and ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5402-4978.
