CERES ontvangt Michele Hutchison

Uitnodiging CERES-seminarie: “Een kijkje in de werkkamer van vertaler Michele Hutchison” (online evenement, woensdag 4 november 2020, 13u30-15u00)

Op woensdag 4 november om 13u30 ontvangt CERES literair vertaalster Michele Hutchison. Eerder dit jaar won ze de prestigieuze International Booker Prize voor haar vertaling van Marieke Lucas Rijnevelds De avond is ongemak (The Discomfort of Evening). Ze vertaalde eerder ook al Ilja Leonard Pfeijffers La Superba, Tom Lanoyes Gelukkige Slaven en tal van andere romans. Hutchison zal ons tijdens het seminarie een inkijk bieden in haar werkkamer: hoe pakt zij concrete vertaalproblemen aan? Hoe is zij literair vertaalster geworden en hoe ziet de markt voor literair vertalen eruit? Deze en andere vragen komen aan bod tijdens haar lezing, waarna uitgebreid tijd wordt voorzien voor vragen vanuit het publiek.

Studenten zijn zeer welkom. Deelname is gratis, maar wel graag registreren via e-mail naar steven.dewallens@kuleuven.be. U ontvangt dan te gepasten tijde de link naar de Zoom-vergadering.


Els Snick over de nieuwe vertaling van Joseph Roths ‘Radetzkymarsch’

Op donderdag 29 oktober 2020 organiseert de KU Leuven (Antwerpen) een lezing waarin vertaalster Els Snick haar nieuwe vertaling Radetzkymars van de roman van Joseph Roth voorstelt. De vertaling, met tekeningen van Jan Vanriet en een voorwoord van Geert Mak, verscheen in 2020 bij Uitgeverij Van Oorschot.

De lezing, getiteld Over kalèsches, galoschen en stenen pijpjes – en over de stille dialoog met eerdere vertalers, vindt plaats op Campus Carolus (lokaal 2.09) en start om 17.30u. Meer informatie vindt u in de bijgevoegde uitnodiging.

Online conference “World Literature and the Minor: Figuration, Circulation, Translation” (6-7 May 2021, University of Leuven)

Conference website

Call for Papers (abridged version)
The conference “World Literature and the Minor: Figuration, Circulation, Translation” will explore the multifaceted meanings of the minor from different disciplinary perspectives—as it is represented in literary texts (figuration), as it inflects patterns of mobility and reception (circulation), and as it marks processes of linguistic and cultural transfer (translation). The conference will work towards a critical, more inclusive understanding of the minor, both conceptually and methodologically.

Deadline for abstract submission: 15 December 2020. Please send your proposal to minorliterature@kuleuven.be

Keynote speakers
Michael Cronin (Trinity College Dublin)
B. Venkat Mani (UW-Madison)
Francesca Orsini (SOAS)
Lyndsey Stonebridge (Birmingham)

Online format
In order to stimulate as much interaction as possible, the conference panels will consist of small working groups based on pre-circulated papers. The participants will have 5 minutes to summarize their paper. The presentations will be followed by a short response and a general discussion.

We plan to publish a selection of the papers in a thematic special journal issue and a book. The aim of the discussions is to establish common threads between the different topics and to work towards expanded versions of the papers suitable for publication.

Important dates
15 December 2020: deadline for abstract submission
15 January 2021: notification of acceptance
1 March 2021: deadline for online registration
20 April 2021: deadline for paper submission
6-7 May 2021: conference

Colloquium “Nuevas escrituras multilingües latinoamericanas y latinas (2000-2020)”

Coloquio “Nuevas escrituras multilingües latinoamericanas y latinas (2000-2020)”

Estimad@s colegas:
Querid@s amig@s:

El próximo 15 y 16 de octubre se organiza el coloquio virtual internacional: “Nuevas escrituras multilingües latinoamericanas y latinas (2000-2020)”. Este coloquio, una colaboración entre la Universidad de Gante y la Universidad de Lovaina, se organiza en el marco del proyecto “Vidas en traducción” financiado por el Fondo de Investigación científica de Flandes.

En particular les llamamos la atención sobre la conferencia inaugural de Pablo Gasparini (Universidade de São Paulo) y las actividades con varios escritores invitados. El programa completo y los resúmenes se encuentran en el sitio web: https://es.vidasentraduccion.com/nuevas-escrituras

Tomando en cuenta la diferencia de horarios para los participantes, el coloquio empieza siempre a las 14 hrs (hora de Bruselas). La participación es gratis y no hace falta registrarse de antemano. El coloquio se realizará a través de la plataforma Zoom. Se puede acceder a través de los enlaces siguientes (habrá un enlace diferente para cada día):

Jueves 15 de octubre de 2020:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 989 7186 2502
Passcode: 6k185j08

 Viernes 16 de octubre de 2020:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 973 8792 2299
Passcode: 5l233c46

Para mayor información sobre el uso de Zoom, véase nuestro sitio web.

En espera de poder darles la bienvenida virtual, l@s saludamos muy cordialmente.

Ilse Logie, An Van Hecke y Sarah Staes


Colloquium “Nuevas escrituras multilingües latinoamericanas y latinas (2000-2020)”

Beste collega’s,

Op 15 en 16 oktober 2020 vindt het internationale virtuele colloquium “Nuevas escrituras multilingües latinoamericanas y latinas (2000-2020)” plaats. Dit colloquium, dat in het Spaans verloopt, vormt het sluitstuk van het FWO-project “Lives in Translation/Vidas en traducción”, een samenwerking tussen de Universiteit Gent en KU Leuven.

In het bijzonder willen we uw aandacht vestigen op de openingslezing door Pablo Gasparini (Universidade de São Paulo) en op de verschillende activiteiten met schrijvers die op dit colloquium werden uitgenodigd. Het volledige programma en de abstracts zijn beschikbaar op onze website: https://es.vidasentraduccion.com/nuevas-escrituras

Rekening houdend met het tijdsverschil van de deelnemers, begint elke congresdag om 14u (Belgische tijd). Deelname is gratis en registratie vooraf is niet nodig. Het colloquium wordt georganiseerd via het platform Zoom; u heeft toegang door te klikken op volgende links (voor elke dag een aparte link):

Donderdag 15 oktober:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 989 7186 2502
Passcode: 6k185j08

Vrijdag 16 oktober:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 973 8792 2299
Passcode: 5l233c46

Meer informatie over het gebruik van Zoom vindt u op onze website.

We hopen u talrijk te mogen verwelkomen op dit virtuele colloquium.

Vriendelijke groet,

Ilse Logie, An Van Hecke en Sarah Staes

Museums in literature

7-8 November 2019

International colloquium

Université Paris 8-St-Denis
Université Paris Nanterre
Musée d’art et d’histoire Paul Éluard, Saint-Denis
Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Paris Nord

This international conference is part of the MuséaLitté research programme on the interaction between museums and literature.

Museums are both highly symbolic spaces and sites for the construction and dissemination of culture. Writers visit, appropriate, and mediatise all kinds of museums (Public or private, natural history museums, ethnographic collections, science and technology museums, art galleries, cabinets of curiosities, world expositions) as well as places where literature is preserved and classified (libraries, literary archives, and manuscript centres).

Museums and museum-like spaces, be they real, imaginary or revisited, are discussed, represented, or narrativised in all literary genres. Participants are invited to study their representation in fiction, poetry, drama, biography, essay, exhibition notebooks and travel journals, or iconotextual works such as bandes dessinées, comics, graphic narratives, children’s picture story books, hypermedia works.

In what ways are museums, themselves sites of preservation, ordering and patrimonialisation of the material world as well as spaces of fabrication and dissemination of narratives, fictionalised or integrated into argumentative or theoretical discourse? Are museums described as spaces of mediation of living and vital art or of deadly accumulation? Do literary discourses on museums and like spaces express dislike or admiration? Between reality and fiction, material culture and representation, museums are paradoxical loci. Paul Valéry sees them as oxymorons, “a hubbub of congealed creatures” (“tumulte de créatures congelées” (“Le problème des musées”, 1923), and Michel Foucault categorises them as “heterotopias” (“Other Spaces”, 1967). As sanctuaries or common graves, spaces of knowledge and aesthetic experience between isolation and interaction, order and disorder, what poetics do they inform?

We invite proposals for 20 minute contributions in English or French focusing on European literature from any period. We welcome submissions with theoretical, comparative, or diachronical perspectives, as well as case studies.

The conference will be held in English and French.

Please send proposals (500 words max.) and short bio-bibliographies to Charlotte Estrade (Université Paris Nanterre) and Caroline Marie (Université Paris 8): musealitte@gmail.com no later than July 10th 2019.

Applicants will be notified by Monday September 2nd 2019.


Translation as Political Act

La traduzione come atto politico
Translation as Political Act
La traduction comme acte politique

Conferentie (9-11 mei 2019) georganiseerd door het Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Università di Perugia, in samenwerking met het Genealogies of Knowledge Project, University of Manchester (UK).

De conferentie focust op vier belangrijke thema’s:

  • de rol van vertaling in de ontwikkeling en verspreiding van politieke ideeën
  • de manier waarop vertaling functioneert in de context van institutionele politiek
  • het belang van vertaling in ‘agenda-setting’ en de politieke eisen van sociale actiegroepen
  • vertaling in de media, met name in de internationale politiek

CLIV-leden Guy Rooryck en Lieve Jooken geven een keynote paper met als thema “Le traducteur-médiateur: un dialogue franco-britannique au siècle des Lumières”.

Programma  home.translationaspoliticalact.net/program
Website home.translationaspoliticalact.net/home-1
Registratie is mogelijk tot 30 april 2019.

Organiserend committee:

Diana Bianchi (Università di Perugia, Italia)
Jan Buts (University of Manchester, UK)
Henry Jones (University of Manchester, UK)
Francesca Piselli (Università di Perugia, Italia)
Federico Zanettin (Università di Perugia, Italia)


Symposium Getuigenis in Vertaling

Op dinsdag 28 november 2017 organiseren CLIV, CERES, CMSI en de Stichting Auschwitz aan UGent een symposium over Getuigenis in vertaling. Het programma omvat naast lezingen ook een forumdiscussie over het vertalen van Holocaust-literatuur. Keynote spreker is David Bellos (Princeton University).

Voor meer informatie kunt u terecht bij de hoofdorganisator van het colloquium, Anneleen Spiessens (Anneleen.Spiessens@UGent.be). Inschrijven kan tot 15 november via getuigenisinvertaling.ugent.be

CFP: Translating for the Stage: Translating on the Stage

Symposium: 13th January
Workshop: 11-13th January
University of Oxford, Maison Française

Special Guest: Catherine Hargreaves, Ecole Nationale Supérieure
des Arts et Techniques du Théâtre, Lyon

The symposium will take place after a three-day practical workshop run by director, actor and translator Catherine Hargreaves, professor at ENSATT, France. Speakers are invited to register for the workshop in addition to the symposium if they wish (see description below).

Call for Papers

While the domestication of cultural references is often seen as crucial in theatre translation, pursuing efficacy in speeches is just as important: the translator needs to have an ear for the potential performance of the text and its ‘speakability’. The demands of the stage tend to cut short the ethical debates on the positioning of translation between source and target text, and justify the choice for adaptation rather than translation. Over the past decades, translators and critics have defended the need to test translations on the stage, and the cooperation between the different agents of the theatrical project – in other words, the interdependence between translation, adaptation and interpretation. Collaborative translation benefits the actor by alleviating their verbal obstacles (Johnston 2004), and the director by assisting them in the interpretation of the text, as well as its reception, favouring the clarity and credibility of the text (Peghinelli 2012).

Sometimes collaborative translation also benefits the translators themselves, as it elevates their subaltern status and gives them visibility (Fernandes 2010); or benefits the source text, as it helps to retain the effects produced by the original (Zatlin 2005). This practice also benefits theatre translation as a discipline, as it can open up several avenues of research. For example, because the idiom generally aspires to embrace the target culture’s sociolect in a given time and to be as efficient as possible, studying the history of all available translations prepared for performance of a particular play could bring some insights into the evolution of language usage and the norms of theatrical efficacy. Just as the practice and the study of stage-oriented translations have entailed the emergence of theatre anthropology as an almost autonomous area of research, such historical study has the potential to open up to theatre sociolinguistics as a new subfield of the discipline.

This study day may also focus on the flaws of collaborative translation, and aims to foster debate on the practice. First, collaborative translation relies heavily on the notions of ‘speakability’ and ‘performability’, which are still under-conceptualised and sometimes controversial. Second, the necessity and the legitimacy of collaborative translation and naturalistic-driven theatrical writings can legitimately be criticised.

While case studies are welcome, we will favour proposals that particularly contribute to the theoretical reflection on collaborative translation. Papers should not exceed 20 minutes and suggested themes are as follows (although this list is not prescriptive):
– Mechanisms and purpose of collective translation
– Politics of rehearsals: power struggle and visibility of the translator
– Collective translation and commercial theatre
– Ethical considerations
– Social sciences: sociolinguistics, historiography, anthropology, rehearsal ethnography
– Defining, pursuing or rejecting ‘speakability’

Please send your abstract or any questions to cedric.ploix@st-hughs.ox.ac.uk by 15th October 2017. The committee will review the abstracts in the following week.

The symposium will end with an open workshop in which speakers will be given the opportunity to join for free or to attend (knowledge of French not essential for this workshop), followed by a round table.


The workshop will explore the relationship between language and acting. How can the use of different languages influence an actor’s presence, develop his practical skills and sensitivities and modify meaning? What happens on stage when a same scene is played in different languages? Or in several languages at the same time?

After a series of exercises, designed to reveal how the rhythm and sound of a given language carry the history and cultural background of a society, the participants (theatre practitioners and literature students) will work on performing English and French versions of the same scenes and on improvisations linked to multilingual devised theatre. Time will be spent on analyzing the different performances and figuring out together if the stage can and/or should influence the translation of a play. The authors and translators of the plays will be invited to join the workshop.

The scenes will be taken from English and French contemporary plays. Knowledge of French is required to participate, but no theatre experience is required.
Lunches will be provided.

Registration for the workshop (11th-13th January, 10am – 4pm): £30 (£15 for students).
Registration for the symposium: (13th January): £20 (£10 for students)

International conference T&R 5

Appel à communications / Call for papers
Colloque international / International conference T&R 5 

Théories & Réalités en Traduction & Rédaction 5
Theories & Realities in Translation & wRiting 5

Écrire, traduire le voyage / Writing, translating travel

Anvers / Antwerp
Jeudi 31 mai & vendredi 1 juin 2018 / Thursday 31 May & Friday 1 June 2018

Veuillez adresser votre résumé (question de recherche, corpus, résultats, références…) d’environ 500 mots avant le 9 janvier 2017 à: Heidi.Verplaetse@kuleuven.be et Winibert.Segers@kuleuven.be

Please submit an abstract (research question, corpus, results, references…) of approximately 500 words by 28 February 2017 to: Heidi.Verplaetse@kuleuven.be and Winibert.Segers@kuleuven.be

For more information on conference topics please see T&R5 Antwerp 2018
Full Call for papers T&R5 Anvers Antwerp 2018