Vera Viehöver

Vera Viehöver studied German Literature, Romance Literature and Philosophy at the Universities of Aachen, Brussels and Düsseldorf. After finishing her MA studies and while preparing her PhD thesis, she was a Research Assistant in German Literature (1997-2003) and in Media and Cultural Studies (2004-2006) at the University of Düsseldorf. In 2006, she became a lector for German Language and Literature at the University of Liège where she collaborated on the creation of a master programme in translation and taught classes in literary translation. She is currently professor of German Literature at the University of Liège.

In her translation research she focuses on poetry translation (with Regina Nörtemann (eds.): Kolmar übersetzen. Studien zum Problem der Lyrikübersetzung, 2013), the poetics of translation (e.g. articles on G.-A. Goldschmidt’s approach to Kafka and on H. Meschonnic’s theory of rhythm in literature and translation) and the translatability of narratological features such as the narrator’s voice.

Further research and fields of interest include Enlightenment Studies, particularly Literary Sentimentalism, (female) autobiographical writing in the 18th century, composers as writers, auditory aspects of literature and contemporary German poetry.

She is currently preparing an annotated anthology of French texts on the poetics of translation (e.g. Bonnefoy, Larbaud, Berman, Meschonnic, Serres, Ricœur, …) in order to increase attention to these lesser known positions in the German speaking academic community.



